You could have the best website in the world, but what good is it if nobody visits it? We make it easier for your potential clients, customers, suppliers and partners to find you online by helping your website rank higher in search engine results pages. We won’t make outrageous promises we can’t keep, but we will create results that are very visible, dramatic and measurable. Our methods are ethical and effective and will help the people who are looking for your company, products or services find you very quickly. Reputation Angel, a Knoxville based SEO company, creates custom SEO campaigns tailored to your business using the following services:
Website SEO Audit
An SEO audit is like a health checkup for your website and gives a roadmap for moving forward with an SEO plan. A site audit is a comprehensive site analysis aimed at identifying technical, navigation and marketing factors that effect how well your website is ranking for your desired keywords. The analysis reveals the weaknesses of a site and helps correct those shortcomings so your site functions well on both mobile and desktop platforms and attracts users and brings in more profits for your business.
On-Page SEO
On-page or on-site search engine optimization refers to SEO techniques, which are designed to remedy the problems and potential issues that an SEO audit uncovers. This is something which should always be part of all SEO strategies. On-page SEO addresses a variety of fundamental elements (as they relate to SEO) such as page titles, headings, content and content organization, and internal link structure.
As with a website SEO audit, there are basic, as well as comprehensive services when it comes to on-page search engine optimization. At the most basic level, an on-page optimization campaign can be a one-time project which includes recommendations developed through an audit, and the implementation thereof. This type of on-page optimization would generally target the home page and a few other important pages on the website. More comprehensive on-page search engine optimization campaigns will use the findings of a highly detailed website SEO audit, and monitor results to guide ongoing changes to the on-page optimization.
Link Development (Link Building)
Backlinks are the most vital component of any search engine optimization campaign, and at the same time the most time consuming and consequently most expensive (assuming they are good quality links and not just random directory submissions and blog comment spam) There are many service providers who offer inexpensive link building services in order to attract and impress potential clients. Such schemes include large volumes of directory submissions (e.g., 200 directory submissions per month), worthless blog and forum comment spam (e.g., 100 blog links per month), or article writing and submissions which result in extremely poor quality content published on equally low-quality article directories which do not have any positive effect on your rankings and can actually cause your ranking to drop.
Good quality link development work focuses on quality rather than quantity. A well researched and relevant, good quality link is worth many times more than hundreds of free directory submissions.
SEO Content Writing
SEO content writing is somewhat of a misnomer–it really should be replaced with high quality and well researched content writing. The term “SEO content writing” implies that there is a secret writing formula which turns plain everyday text into something magical that gets the attention of the search engines–this could not be further from the truth.
If you are looking for content writing services which will help your website attain higher rankings, what you are really looking for is high quality and well written content, and not SEO content. SEO content is what you would get from a writing sweatshop or someone who cannot afford to write good content because they are only charging you $12 per “article”.
SEO content writing as a service can be useful, if shortcuts are not taken, and the content is not expected to perform magic. Well written, interesting and useful content will inevitably be found, and get attention on its own merits; however, it also helps lay the foundation for a successful link development campaign.
Code Optimization
Code optimization is a service you can expect at the highest levels of search engine optimization services, as it involves an overhaul of your website HTML. The optimization of your HTML can impact search engine rankings in two ways. First, it can help alleviate code-clutter, and present your content in an easy-to-understand (for machines, that is, search engine algorithms) format. Second, it can help reduce the load-time of your website pages, so that search engine spiders don’t have to wait around while your page loads (because it’s too long, or has too many images, etc).
Your Plan
Your search engine optimization campaign will have some or all of the above elements, but it will also incorporate other important services such as keyword research, ranking reports, traffic reports, and conversion tracking.
We have plans to fit any budget.
Please Call or Email Reputation Angel To Discuss A Custom Solution For Your Business. 865-213-2402 |